2x Trial Classes
PLUS a personalised plan created specifically for your goals
Group Classes
We understand that strength training can be intimidating, which is why we focus on creating a supportive community where you can feel comfortable and confident as you work towards your goals. Our classes are tailored to accomodate all levels of experience, from first lifts to personal bests, our trainers are always available to provide guidance and encouragement.​
TRAINING Feel Confident & Empowered
Group Classes: Access to a variety of classes running Monday through Saturday.
Small Class Sizes: Enjoy a more personalized experience with focused coaching.
Structured Strength Programming: Follow two 4-week blocks designed for consistent progress.
Strength Testing: Periodic strength assessments with tailored programming based on your 1RM.
ACCOUNTABILITY Stay on Track & Achieve Results
Personalized Onboarding: 1:1 meetings to set your goals and create a plan to achieve them.
Session Tracking: Use our app to track your sessions, personal bests, and habits.
​Ongoing Support: Quarterly check-ins for guidance, support, and accountability.
​Convenient Scheduling: Easily book classes and manage your membership through our app.
COMMUNITY Connect & Uplift
Support: Close-knit, empowering community that cheers you on every step of the way.
Community Connection: Access a private Facebook page and attend quarterly social events.
EDUCATION Learn & Build a Lifestyle You Love
Expert Coaching: Our coaches prioritize correct technique, injury prevention, and maximizing your potential.
Education and Empowerment: Learn about training, recovery, nutrition, and more.